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2025 Strings Spring Concert

Beg Next Test - Star Wars - Wed 1-12-25

Adv Text Test 0 Star Wars 0 Wed 1-12-25

Int Net Test - Star Wars - Wed 1-12-25

3rd Graders - #2 Lightly Row


Welcome to our 2025 Spring Strings Concert.

The 3rd Grade, 4th Grade Beginning and Intermediate string students are taking their places.

All of the string students will play the Suzuki Song “Lightly Row”

This song is important for students to play in tune when using their fingers on the finger board

A sheet music with four different notes in each row.

This is a favorite song for orchestras through out the world

It is one of the melodies from Beethovens 9th Symphony, “Ode to Joy”

A sheet music with the words ode to joy.

The next song is the Aaron Copelands “Hoedown”

Let's give all of the string students another round of applause


#10 from the Suzuki Book 1

A sheet music with the number 1 0 written in it.


This a song from the Suzuki book 2

A sheet music with some notes on it

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is #9 called Perpetual Motion from the Suzuki book 1

The Advanced Orchestra will play it slow with bouncing bows and then playing it again at the fast speed

Our first 2 rows of Advanced Students will play Minuet 1 without repeats

A sheet music with multiple notes and numbers.

All of the Advanced Orchestra will play Minuet 1 with all repeats

A sheet music with multiple notes and numbers.

- - - - - The Fiddlers - - - - -

This is #4 of the Suzuki Song in book 1

A sheet music with the words " go tell aunt rhody ".

The Super Strings will play Minuet 2

A sheet music with several notes on it.
A sheet music with many notes on it.

The Advanced Orchestra will play Jurassic Park Theme

Screenshot 2024-11-11 at 11.06.31 AM

Our special New Horizon rock and roll song with our graduate playing drums.

A sheet music with many notes on it.
A sheet music with musical notes and numbers.

We love to perform our Star Wars and Scorponok songs

A sheet music with many notes and numbers.
A sheet music with musical notes and numbers.

The Super Strings will perform “Dances with Wolves”

A sheet music with musical notes and numbers.

The Super Strings will perform Transformers


A Solo by

Mr Wyler's arrangement of “Axel Folley”

A sheet music with some musical notes on it

Solo by

Mario Brothers Theme

A sheet music with many notes and numbers.

Rock and Roll with live drums

A drum solo from our graduate