Strings Concert January 2024
Mrs Wyler - Welcome
Beginning, Intermediate, - - - Advanced - Then All Strings Together
Lightly Row
Suzuki Book #2

Beginning Demonstrations
A big sound is very important in the Suzuki Method
1 Holding the Instrument
2 Holding the Bow
3 No Pancake
4 Big Bows for Big Sound
5 Downbows and Upbows

Intermedite Demonstrations
A big sound is very important in the Suzuki Method
1 Holding the Instrument
2 Holding the Bow
3 No Pancake
4 Big Bows for Big Sound
5 Downbows and Upbows

Beethoven's 9th Symphony ended with Ode to Joy.
This music is about Freedom, Peace, and Brotherly Love.

The Beginning and Intermediate students will now sit down.
Let's give the beginning and Intermediate strings another round of applause.
The Advance Orchestra is getting ready to perform for you.
We have two 4th Graders that graduated into Advanced Orchestra.
We have many intermediate orchestra students that have also graduated into Advanced Orchestra.

Min 1 no repeats - Min 1 all reeats

Violin Solo/Duet
Violin Solo/Duet
Super Strings
We have a students that recently graduated to Super Strings.

Let's give the Super Strings another round of applause.
Let's give them another round of applause.
Let's give Mrs. Kaufman applause for directing the Fiddlers.
The beginning and intermediate orchestra students will now come foreward to perform War Wars and then Scorponok.