A business card for the school of the people.

Spring Play 2023 4-6 Grades



Beg - 0 - Intro - Together - names scrolling - Dialog - 1:00 - Opening on stage - dance -1st song - 1:36 -1:55 - dialog2:11 - continue song2:20 - Hi Troy2;29 - continue song to end.2:47 - dilog3;12 music3:32 singing - male - female - 4:06 together (duet)4:32 group counting down4:52 Happy New Year5:00 Song for groups - all -6:10 blackout6:24 music trans6:30 dialog - wildcat radio -6:50 music trans7:07 entering class - acting - Juliet & Romeo -9:00 music transMondayWildcat Radio9:36 music trans Two dialog 3rd added - 10:40 basketball gym - dialog

11:00 solo w dancing 12:31 - solo - 12:44 - bball song w choreography13:30 music w singing - trans 13:37 - class dialog15:00 bell - music trans for set change15:20 - dialog15:47 - music trans - dialog after16:00 music trans - class - choreography 18:02 music trans - radio station dialog - 18:50 music trans for scene -

18:51 Auditions begin

19:00 song of many on stage. for song. - 20:60 song ends. - dialog - 21:48 duet w others in back frozen - 23:45 dialog - dialog - dialog - 2600 male solo - 26:50 duet - 27:40 dialog - dialog - music trans - 28:50 dialog 29:15 production number - 34:20 dialog - music trans - dialog 32:20 production number - 24:16 dialog - 54:50 female solo pr -59:27 duet - audition song - production number - 1:02 dialog - production number contines - 1:03:50 ends - yelling - 1:05:27 production number near end -

45:48 dialog - 47:00 pinao - beging playing intro - stopping - dialog - 50:42 accapella - solo - dialog - 51:27 production number - dialog and music - 54:00 dialog 54:25 production number - 56:50 dark - dialog - music trans - dialog - 58:44 dialog continues - 1:08:18 preparation for end. 1:08;42 last production song - 1:10 40 end credits on stage for bows.


Troy:  We're soaring, flying, there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach

Gabriella:  If we're tryin' so we're breaking free.

Troy:  You know the world can see - - us - -

in away that's different from who we are

Gabriella:  Creating space between us, till we're seperate hearts.

Together - But your faith - - it gives - - me strength.

strength to believe

We're breaking free (we're soaring)


There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach

Troy:  If we're trying

both:  yeah, we're breaking free

Troy:  Yeah, we're breking free

Can you feel it building - - -

Gabriella:  connected by a feelin- oh in our very souls,

Troy:  in our very souls

rising, till - it lifts - - us up

so every one- can - see=---

We're breaking free!

All:  Soarin, flyin'

There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach.

Oh we're breakin foree


Runni' - climb in--  to get to that place

to be all that we can be

Now's the time - - so we're breakin free

Troy:  More than hope, more than faith

Gabriella:  this is truth, this is fate

together And together we see it comin'

Boys:  More than you, more than me

Brianiacs:  Not a want, but a need

All:  All of us breakin free - -

Troy:  We're soaring, flying, there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach

Gabriella:  If we're tryin' so we're breaking free.

Troy:  You know the world can see - - us - -

in away that's different from who we are

Gabriella:  Creating space between us, till we're seperate hearts.

Together - But your faith - - it gives - - me strength.

strength to believe

Cool Cats (your first class)- Ronel, Ana Isabel, Cassius, Emily O., Emmanuel, Jairo, Andrea, Laurence, Ben, Nathalia

Superstars (your second class)- Emily, Bennett, Amor, Fernanda, Adriana, Yaretzy, Julissa, Emma W., Belinda, Lillia, Iker, Ethan, Dianne, Isaac, Tony, Ximena
Hot Shots (your third class)- everyone, please...maybe start with the boys, because I already know how more of the girls sing.
If you could start with these students and go in order, it would be great. After they go, anyone who wants to have a turn can.  If they don't want a singing part, they don't have to... so it may be a shorter list...   Can we continue on Friday for whoever wants a turn that doesn't get a chance tomorrow?

Rough Thursdays Show
