Spring Play 2023 4-6 Grades
Beg - 0 - Intro - Together - names scrolling - Dialog - 1:00 - Opening on stage - dance -1st song - 1:36 -1:55 - dialog2:11 - continue song2:20 - Hi Troy2;29 - continue song to end.2:47 - dilog3;12 music3:32 singing - male - female - 4:06 together (duet)4:32 group counting down4:52 Happy New Year5:00 Song for groups - all -6:10 blackout6:24 music trans6:30 dialog - wildcat radio -6:50 music trans7:07 entering class - acting - Juliet & Romeo -9:00 music transMondayWildcat Radio9:36 music trans Two dialog 3rd added - 10:40 basketball gym - dialog
11:00 solo w dancing 12:31 - solo - 12:44 - bball song w choreography13:30 music w singing - trans 13:37 - class dialog15:00 bell - music trans for set change15:20 - dialog15:47 - music trans - dialog after16:00 music trans - class - choreography 18:02 music trans - radio station dialog - 18:50 music trans for scene -
18:51 Auditions begin
19:00 song of many on stage. for song. - 20:60 song ends. - dialog - 21:48 duet w others in back frozen - 23:45 dialog - dialog - dialog - 2600 male solo - 26:50 duet - 27:40 dialog - dialog - music trans - 28:50 dialog 29:15 production number - 34:20 dialog - music trans - dialog 32:20 production number - 24:16 dialog - 54:50 female solo pr -59:27 duet - audition song - production number - 1:02 dialog - production number contines - 1:03:50 ends - yelling - 1:05:27 production number near end -
45:48 dialog - 47:00 pinao - beging playing intro - stopping - dialog - 50:42 accapella - solo - dialog - 51:27 production number - dialog and music - 54:00 dialog 54:25 production number - 56:50 dark - dialog - music trans - dialog - 58:44 dialog continues - 1:08:18 preparation for end. 1:08;42 last production song - 1:10 40 end credits on stage for bows.
Troy: We're soaring, flying, there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach
Gabriella: If we're tryin' so we're breaking free.
Troy: You know the world can see - - us - -
in away that's different from who we are
Gabriella: Creating space between us, till we're seperate hearts.
Together - But your faith - - it gives - - me strength.
strength to believe
We're breaking free (we're soaring)
There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach
Troy: If we're trying
both: yeah, we're breaking free
Troy: Yeah, we're breking free
Can you feel it building - - -
Gabriella: connected by a feelin- oh in our very souls,
Troy: in our very souls
rising, till - it lifts - - us up
so every one- can - see=---
We're breaking free!
All: Soarin, flyin'
There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach.
Oh we're breakin foree
Runni' - climb in-- to get to that place
to be all that we can be
Now's the time - - so we're breakin free
Troy: More than hope, more than faith
Gabriella: this is truth, this is fate
together And together we see it comin'
Boys: More than you, more than me
Brianiacs: Not a want, but a need
All: All of us breakin free - -
Troy: We're soaring, flying, there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach
Gabriella: If we're tryin' so we're breaking free.
Troy: You know the world can see - - us - -
in away that's different from who we are
Gabriella: Creating space between us, till we're seperate hearts.
Together - But your faith - - it gives - - me strength.
strength to believe
Cool Cats (your first class)- Ronel, Ana Isabel, Cassius, Emily O., Emmanuel, Jairo, Andrea, Laurence, Ben, Nathalia